The House System
Our four Houses:
At AKS pupils earn House Points for good work, effort and behaviour. Each pupil is allocated to a House which they will stay in for the whole of their school career. We feel that the implementation of a house system helps all pupils feel a sense of belonging and connection to other pupils. We have seen it helps to develop confidence and interaction. This also gives opportunities for pupils across the school to interact and gives younger pupils a sense of what school life is like as they grow older.
The House System is an excellent means to instil the core British Values in our pupils. These values: Respect, Determination, Courage and Inspiration are a focus of all House events and meetings, with each house focusing on a particular value.
Click below for a fact sheet about each house
House Meetings & Events
Each house has fortnightly assemblies to discuss future competitions and upcoming events. Early in the Academic Year pupils will also choose a House Charity in which they will aim to raise money for across the year. Pupils will then be encouraged to come up with ideas of how they can raise money and put on these events.
Throughout the year there will be enriching and sometimes competitive activities that will focus around the House System, such as:
Sports Day
Cooking Events & the Village Fair
Inter-House Sports Events (e.g. Football, Boccia, Touch Rugby)
Subject Projects
House Captains
A Year 11 pupil each year will be assigned the role of House Captain in term 4 for the year. They will have a key role
in organising events and meetings. They will also act as a mentor to new pupils who have recently joined the house. The role of House Captain will last for a whole academic year, but these pupils will have to consistently act as a role model to others throughout that year. Pupils can nominate themselves or be nominated by staff to take on this role and then pupils within their house will have an anonymous vote for who they would like as their captain.
The House Captain will:
Assist Head of House when necessary
Be a role model in terms of attitude, work ethic, manners, and appearance
Provide inspiration and motivation to all pupils in the House
To attend school functions as required, in order to represent the school and the house (e.g. Open Day)
They will also be given additional responsibilities (e.g. running tuck shop, helping with Drinks & Cake/Fruit)
Collect the House Cup, when their House wins it