Parents and carers are very welcome to bring their child to school themselves, however in many instances the Local Authority will provide taxis and minibuses for our pupils. Transport arrangements are supervised centrally by staff at Shire Hall who is responsible for placing the contracts with transport companies. Parents and carers are asked to ensure that their child is ready for collection at the appropriate time in the morning and that there is someone at home to meet them on their return from school.
Parents and carers are asked to notify transport staff directly if their child will not be attending on any particular day or if they have made an alternative arrangement. It is also helpful to notify the school. Pupils will not be allowed to leave the school with anyone other than their parent or carer or the usual transport staff without prior notice. We would also stress that parents and carers should be confident to ask for identification from transport staff and if in doubt, should ask them to wait while they telephone the company concerned to verify an individual’s identity.
Parents and carers are asked to make it clear to their children the safety reasons why it is essential for them to be well behaved on transport.
To contact SEN transport please use the following information:
For Gloucestershire County Council SEN Transport
Email - sen.transport@gloucestershire.gov.uk
Telephone number - 01452 425011
For Worcestershire County Council SEN Transport
Email - tclutransportcommissioning@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone number - 01905 843923