School Curriculum
The curriculum offered at Alderman Knight School reflects the individual needs of the pupils and the National Curriculum. The school works hard to ensure that all pupils benefit from a stimulating and creative curriculum that enables them to enjoy their learning, achieve well and develop feeling of self-worth and confidence.
In designing an appropriate curriculum the school, together with parents and carers and additional professionals as appropriate, continually assesses pupils’ individual strengths as well as their individual needs. This allows their teachers to build on these strengths and use them to support development in other areas. This approach leads to a curriculum that provides wide ranging learning experiences with an appropriate balance for each pupil between academic achievement and individual needs in terms of personal, social and emotional development.
We are really proud that all pupils have the opportunity to study for a wide range of external accreditation and all pupils leave school with an impressive portfolio demonstrating their considerable achievements which provide them a strong foundation for further education and the world of work.
Curriculum Maps
We have created a curriculum map which provides an overview for each subject. These show progression in terms of subject knowledge as well as opportunities and experiences each subject provides for pupils to extend their understanding of how the subject translates into the wider world.
Curriculum Links
Current Curriculum Policy
Homework Policy
Careers Information & Links
Careers Education Policy
Work Experience
Provider Access
Click on each tutor group to find out what they will be learning
KS4 Curriculum Offer
During the transition period between Key Stage 3 and 4, parents and carers will be advised of the most appropriate options for their child. This is facilitated by a process which begins early in the Spring term where pupils and their parents/carers have the opportunity to express an interest in a wide range of up to 12 subjects after receiving the Options Expression of Interest Booklet - which provides an overview of the potential courses on offer, the accreditations available, how the course is assessed, potential next steps after completion, opinions of current pupils and what learning looks like for those studying the course. Expressions of interest are then analyzed in order to provide a final options selection list from which pupils can choose two subjects, from two option blocks, which, alongside the core curriculum offer at KS4 will provide them with a balanced and appropriate range of subjects that are in line with what was requested by the cohort as a whole.
Pupils, parents and carers, can further explore the range of subjects and courses offered in KS4 through discussions with subject teachers at the dedicated Year 9 options parents and carers evening. Before these parents evenings, pupils receive an option booklet which, similarly to the Expression of Interest Booklet, gives an overview of the potential courses on offer, the accreditations available, how the course is assessed, potential next steps after completion, opinions of current pupils and what learning looks like for those studying the course, therefore enabling pupils, parents and carers to make informed, guided choices.
Pupils also receive a core subject booklet which provides further information on our core curriculum which all pupils will study in Key Stage 4
Both of this years booklets are available for you to download and view below:
Current Qualifications
In KS4 we currently offer a wide range of accreditations across the curriculum at the appropriate level for the cohorts of pupils. Click on the link below to view the full list of what is offered. This is reviewed annually.